"A Beautiful Truth"

Nature has innumerable beauty of its own. Everything of nature is quite enjoyable. It is the symbol of truth as well as beauty. It can also be said that nature is the role model of beauty. Whenever I’m around nature i always remember the lines quoted from John Keats's world famous poem “Ode on a Grecian Urn'': "Beauty is truth, truth beauty". I wonder why these lines always make me think about nature. May be it come about because nature is truly beautiful? Everything that is truth is also beautiful just like it (nature). I have seen nature when it was pin drop silence all around and when it was full of sounds. This silence has a different effect on our minds. They make us think about how peaceful and beautiful the world really is and we are a part of this natural world. Isn't that amazing! I've seen the gentle breeze slowly blowing the green leaves which are of various shades. They seem to be enjoying the wind and dancing. The color changing rhythm of the leaves when sun rays fall upon them is really extraordinary! All these happen when the nature is silent. Some birds sing with a charming sound seem to sing lullaby for the leaves. The combination of the wonderful breeze and their charming sound is extremely enjoyable. If anyone wants to find peace of mind, they can find it in the silence of nature. Although i call it silence; it is actually a mixture of soothing wind and charming sound of the birds. So the silence of nature is different because it can be felt from our hearts and is highly enjoyable too! We can find true company with nature. It provides us with a beautiful atmosphere as well as a company like a true friend which is very much needed in this modern world. The beauty of nature is more enhanced when it is mixed with silence of the morning, midday or specially evening. Words aren’t enough to describe its gorgeous scenic effect. We are truly blessed to be in such a jocund company of nature.........

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