Have courage & be kind

It takes much courage to be kind these days. In this modern competitive world kindness is becoming really hard to find. Modern world in some way lacks kindness. By kindness, I mean kindness towards mankind, nature, animals and everything around us. It costs nothing to be kind to someone or something but it has an everlasting effect on our minds. You don’t have any idea how powerful kindness really is! It may not be visible but it has the power to change someone’s life. It is true that life teaches us how to be strict to face every obstacle but sometimes all we need is to be kind. Some situations can be easily maintained if we show a little kindness. The results are invisible but trust me, if you had the power to choose several options and see what happens; I am sure that the results would definitely surprise you. But I’m afraid that’s not possible because only in games we can go to the past and choose another option to observe what happens then. No one will ask us to be kind. It is something we have to nurture it in ourselves. We have to get used to being kind. It’s real easy. Just show kindness towards everyone or everything around us. Even if it’s a tree or an animal. Being kind won’t make us weak. Rather it’ll make us more generous and calm. It can teach us to be patient and love life.

****I apologize for any inadvertent mistake. Any constructive criticism & suggestion will be cordially received in the comments sections below****

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