Lost & Found

Little Prince: Why are you sad?

Me: I feel lost.

Little Prince: Well, what did you lose?  I can help you find it then... (Looking with curiosity)

Me: I Don't know where did i lose it.  I can't find it anywhere. (Sigh)

Little Prince: How did it look like?

Me: It looked like....(thinking for sometime)....like....Me....(looking depressed).

Little Prince: Oh i see. Then it looked very pure i think. Something as pure as the sky or rain.

Me: (looking at the little boys glazing eyes full of imagination).  Haha yes maybe.

Little Prince: Perhaps you haven’t look for it everywhere.

Me: How come? I looked for it in almost every single place and in persons! (Saying in anger and frustration)

Little prince: Maybe you didn’t look for it inside you. 

Me: (Suddenly shocked to hear) You are actually right sweet child. Maybe i forgot to find it in my heart and mind.

Little Prince : I hope you find what you are looking for and be happy. ☺ 

Me: Thank you dear. I know now where to find myself. It is within me....
It has been there all this time..i never listened to myself before! 😮
From now on,  i will do what i want to do in my life. The decision will be mine and for my happiness. Because i love me more than anyone else. I love to smile and it will be my only goal.

Little Prince : Very true.  I am happy for you.

The End.

(The character little prince is an imaginary boy taken from the story of Little Prince)
Somtimes the most difficult questions of our lives can be easily solved by the mind of a little child. As they can think simple and straight. Hope you enjoyed the writing.

Thank you.. 😊

Lost & Found

Little Prince: Why are you sad? Me: I feel lost. Little Prince: Well, what did you lose?  I can help you find it then... (Looking with cur...