Once upon a time, in faraway land lived a beautiful princess
named Rose. She was known as the symbol of true beauty and love among others.
Her beauty was as pure as her heart. She was famous all around their land
because of her kind heart. She loved everyone and every single thing around
her. She had the power to win anyone’s heart through kindness and love. Her
heart was filled with enough love for all. No one was less in her eye. She
loved everyone and everything equally. She loved nature and the nature loved
her. Every morning she bade everyone good morning and every single thing of
nature stood still for a while to have her glance of eternal beauty. All the
animals in her castle stared at her when she pets them. The birds in the sky
also admired her with their sweet song. As she was the only daughter of her
father she was indeed the most precious to the king. The king loved her
daughter with all his heart. After the death of her mother, she was everything
he had. The king raised her with love, comfort and care. But even after having
all the riches of life, the princess never took pride about it. She always
believed that a good heart is more precious than any other riches in the world.
As time passes, that beautiful princess became eligible for
marriage. And that’s what made the king really worried. He never wanted her to
give away to someone who was ill minded or loved only riches not his daughter.
So the king made a plan. He asked Rose to choose anyone among the suitors. Then
Rose cleverly decided to test each one of them. On her saying the king ordered
each one of the suitors to come to the garden of the castle and hunt for
anything that will make the princess happy. Rose was observing all of them from
a distant place where no one could see her.
They all took pearls or flowers from the garden. But no one gave
something that could please the princess. As a result all of them were
rejected. The king did not force his daughter for anything because he also
wanted to marry his daughter to a suitable person.
Then one day when Rose was roaming in her royal garden see
saw a bird suddenly fell from the sky. She instantly rescued that bird and gave
it treatment as it was badly injured. But soon she realized that it was not
just a bird rather it was an evil magician who used black magic to cast a spell
on Rose. As the magician also wanted to marry Rose but was rejected by her. So
he came back to take revenge. With the touch of her hand the bird turned into
that magician. Then the magician cast a spell on her and put her to a sleep. He
took her with him to his den and kept her there.
At this the king became very much shocked and fell ill
because he didn’t know where his daughter is and how to find her. Day by day
the condition of the king was getting worse. Then it was announced among the
people that the person who bring back the princess safe and sound shall marry
her. Although everyone wanted to marry Rose but no one had the courage to fight
that evil magician. But there was one person who was equally courageous and
strong enough for his work. He was a poor farmer named Peter who lived in the
forest with his pet bird Lofty. He came to know about the news by Lofty because
he could talk and he used to fly to various places and bring news for his
master. Peter was a very kind heart person.
He felt really bad to hear about the princess and his father. So he
decided to take a chance to rescue the princess from that evil magician. At
first he sent his bird to find out about the den where Rose was kept prison.
Lofty was a very loyal bird. He accomplished every job given to him by his
master. So after three day Lofty returned with the news of that place. Peter
became very pleased to see his old friend again. Then he started his journey
for that place.
After many difficulties he reached that place at last.
Nothing could stop him for reaching his goal. The den of the magician was at
the top of the highest hill near the dark forest. Peter decided to keep a look
at that place for some days. He noticed that the magician went out for
sometimes every night and returned at dawn. So one night when the magician went
out, Peter took advantage and went in. The den was really huge with lots of
rooms in it. Somehow he found out the room where Rose was kept. He saw that
Rose was asleep and she was floating on air! At first Peter also became
surprised to see such beauty. The sleeping Rose looked almost hypnotizing for
him. He almost forgot why he went there. Then Lofty reminded him that the
magician would come soon. Coming out of the trance, Peter started to search for
something to wake Rose up from her sleep. Suddenly he saw a feather in her
hand. Out of curiosity he moved that feather from her hand and within an
instance Rose woke up from her sleep. After realizing where she was, she warned
Peter that the evil magician would return very soon. They escaped that place as
soon as possible and returned home safe and sound.
I think anyone can guess what happened next. The king was
cured to see her dearest daughter again. The princess ultimately found her
lover, Peter. They married and lived happily ever after.
*** This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and
incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or
dead, is entirely coincidental***
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